Wednesday, September 23, 2009


你好,我是Doer~! Add Video






"The force at the core leading our cause forward is the Chinese Communist Party.

The theoretical basis guiding our thinking is Marxism-Leninism."

(Spetember 15, 1954)


by Doer Y. Ahn

Monday, September 21, 2009

DoerTalk International Blog Launching

Hi, My name is Doer Y. Ahn, launched this blog in the middle of morning calm of South Korea! @.@!

Leveraging this blog, I am willing to communicate with my international friends and study their cultures, languages and most fundamentally, figure out our mutual commonalities and differences, both should be wondered and respected.

I envision to design a global communication system that hopefully, can promote mutual understandings and help people to recognize the value in differences rather than in prejudices.

I believe these as true driving reasons for my life.

Cool!! >.<