Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Discipline Matters for Success

For better and faster use of Prezi, I made a first trial which talks about the discipline for success talked by Time Allen.

For your busy life and shortcutting, I will get to conclusion first. And if you had time please watch my VDO clip and comment.

First. List the greatest goals to achieve in life.
Second. List the things needed to do this year in order to reach life goals.
Final. Focus on the things to do days in order to reach life goals.

The ultimate winner is the man or woman who has the discipline to do this every day of their lives, without fail.
- Donald Trump

S/W Supported by Prezi.com
Words Supported by A Book 'Think Big & Kick Ass' by Donald Trump

& Final Edit by Doer Y. Ahn


  1. hi oppa :)
    i've been reading feature articles on this kind of thing. What a timely blog!kk
    in Japan, many people(esp.company presidents, economists, consultants) are interested in this "listing-3 steps" to be successful and introduce it to "appointment book". for example, "人生戦略手帳(勝間和代)" http://www.katsumaweb.com/modules/diary/index.php?content_id=1 , "夢手帳(熊谷正寿)" http://shop.kumagai.com/html/newpage.html?code=1 , "超整理手帳(野口悠紀雄)"http://moura.jp/lifeculture/datebook/ are famous :)

  2. WoW~! :-)



    I will check all you introduced.

